For over 3 decades, Michaels & Co. Painting has remained unmatched in ensuring that your painting projects are carried out well and to the highest standards. As a leading name in the industry, Michaels & Co. Painting understands what it takes to preserve the beauty of your home, and that is why we have earned the trust of many people in Newton, MA. From painting interiors and exteriors to power washing, stain decks, and gutter cleaning, we have the expertise to keep your property looking as good as new.
(781) 237-8826Newton, MA, is famous for its beautiful neighborhoods, historic homes, and vibrant community. Being one of the most desirable suburbs, it scaffolds a mix of classic architecture alongside modern-day residencies. Its seasonal climate, consisting of hot and humid summers and cold and snowy winters, can be challenging for properties in Newton.
Frequent temperature fluctuations, precipitation, and publicity can motivate paint to chip, wood to worsen, and surfaces to build up dust and mildew. Without proper renovation, these factors can negatively affect your property's scale-back magic and structural integrity. Investing in professional painting, power washing, and gutter cleansing services is crucial for owners and groups seeking to guard and decorate their properties.
Our professionally-trained staff recognizes and works upon the unique climatic conditions of Newton, Massachusetts, and thus ensures that your home or business is maintained in excellent condition every year.
A home reflects self, and personality should be uniquely portrayed to every individual. Our Interior designers bring depth and elegance to every project, no matter the size, while our proficient interior painting services ensure every corner is taken care of. From room touches to complete home jaunts, we do it all with long-lasting and eco-friendly state-of-the-art materials. Be it bold, modern, or classic, let us make your dreams a reality.
First impressions count-all that is really needed to jazz up the curb appeal is an external paint job that looks new. Never forget that the outside of a house is just as important as the inside. Our skilled painters utilize weatherproof coatings that withstand the constantly changing seasons of Newton. We do not cut corners on surface preparation, which includes scraping, sanding, and priming as a basis for proper longevity and effortless, flawless application.
Over time surfaces accumulate dirt, mold, and all sorts of contaminants to render the structures less attractive. Our pressure wash services can rid your surfaces of all the dirt and restore their beautiful original look: driveways, walkways, decks, fences, and entire house exteriors. Furthermore, regular power washing increases curb appeal's longevity and prevents moisture and mold damage to your paint and other building materials.
An outdoor deck provides an enhanced place for living where one can relax or entertain guests regardless of the weather. However, sunlight, rain, and foot traffic break down wooden decks over time. Our deck staining service not only boosts the appearance of the wood but also provides a protective layer that prevents deterioration by cracking, warping, or puffing. Whether you prefer a rich or natural finish, our dedicated team will apply equally and durably.
Clogged gutters are filled with dust and debris without regular maintenance, making the breeding ground for various pests. Moisture gets trapped, leading to water damage, which in turn causes severe foundation and roof issues. Our gutter cleaning services in Newton remove debris and dirt while also providing a home to your structure and foundation, which prevents unnecessary intrusion by water clogging around your home.
Are you seeking interior and exterior house painters, power washing, or gutter cleaning services in Newton, MA? Michaels & Co. Painting is an industry leader in painting and maintenance in your area.
We also serve the surrounding regions such as Needham, Lincoln, Hopkinton, and Medfield to ensure homeowners and business operators within the area get the standard of care they expect for their properties.
Contact us at (781) 237-8826 or Fill out an Overview Form on our website to schedule an appointment. Let's work together to boost the impact, beauty, and durability of your property with the help of experts.
(781) 237-8826