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Michaels and Co Painting proudly provides courteous, fast, and friendly services with only the finest products. We always promise friendly staff, and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Well known for trustworthy quality work, we’ll do it at an unbeatable price. An excellent reputation has been built, characterized by honesty, reliability, quality, and dependability.

  • Interior & Exterior Painting: Premium coatings to beautify your space both inside and out.
  • Staining: Protective refinishing for wood with artistic flare.
  • Decks: Expertly designed and finished deck solutions.
  • Pressure Washing: Surface cleaning to remove dirt and grime.
  • Meticulous Preparation & Cleanup: Immaculate conditions before we begin your project—as well as after we finish.
  • Free Estimates: Free, no-obligation quotes for all painting projects.
Other Services:
  • Fall Gutter Cleaning: Avoid Blockages and Damage With Seasonal Cleaning.

Residential Interior Painting

  • Special note should be taken of all Fixtures and Furnitures with protective coverings
  • Put down drop cloths over any uncovered or at-risk areas within the painting area
  • Do proper clean-up daily before leaving the site
  • Repair all holes and cracks
  • Caulk gaps which are open.
  • Sand, clean and prime all repaired areas
  • Prime with and spot any bare wood or other surfaces as needed.
  • Stain-blocking water and smoke primers
  • All the interior work is completed utilizing rollers and brushes for the achievement and quality of the task.

Residential Exterior Painting

  • Cover with drop clothes and use tarps for all plantings, walkways, and other surfaces not to be painted or power washed.
  • Primary power wash for each location to remove loose particles, mildew, and dirt.
  • Complete scraping is done to remove loose paint.
  • Apply appropriate compatible paint or stain on and trim

Power Washing

Bring your home to life with our qualified power washing services! At Michaels & Co Painting, we are professionals who eliminate all kinds of dirt on different surfaces, such as grime, mold, and mildew, ensuring your home or business looks its best. By using modern tools and environmentally safe cleaning chemicals, our professional washing team can bring back life into pavements, backyards, decks, and building exteriors.

Power washing makes your home more attractive; it also prolongs the life of your surfaces by preventing buildup. We can clean your house once a week or even a year. We have technicians proficient in handling various materials and guarantee that all our work is completed securely and efficiently.

At Michaels & Co Painting, we operate with a customer-oriented approach, guaranteeing the best prices and quality of our work. We will offer the convenience of flexible scheduling and quick service to ensure your property is always well-maintained. Seeing your property covered in dirt and grime is embarrassing, so you should hire power washing services. Call us now to request your free estimate and learn how our power-washing services can elevate your property!

Seasonal Gutter Cleaning

Keep your home protected with our professional seasonal gutter cleaning service! At Michaels & Co Painting, we understand the significance of maintaining clear gutters to prevent water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. Our experienced team meticulously removes leaves, debris, and blockages, ensuring optimal drainage and safeguarding your property.

It is essential to clean the gutter system regularly, such as before heavy rain falls. The blocked gutters may overflow to damage your roof and foundation. We do a thorough check-up to identify any potential issues and recommend maintenance. We clean your gutters safely and thoroughly so you can relax, knowing that if you need a storm cover, it will save you thousands of dollars in future repair bills. Gutter maintenance has never been more accessible and affordable, with our flexible scheduling and competitive pricing.

Deck Staining

Professional deck staining services at Michaels & Co Painting are necessary for maintaining your outdoor environment’s beauty and durability. Our expertise is refurbishing and preserving decks to remain beautiful, regardless of weather conditions. Our team uses top-notch stains and sealants that add color and offer significant defense against UV rays, moisture, and wear. Stain your deck regularly to prevent rot, fading, cracking, and rot.

We take great pride in our preparation, cleaning, and sanding to ensure the stain remains as close to the surface as possible. Decking services are tailored to your requirements, including all types of decks, such as wooden, composite, or vinyl. Our cost-effective pricing and flexible scheduling make deck maintenance easier. Let us make your outside area beautiful so you can use it as your private sanctuary. Get in touch with us for a FREE estimate, and let us restore the beauty of your deck.